Die Heilsarmee / The Salvation Army Hamburg

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Die Heilsarmee / The Salvation Army Hamburg

Die Heilsarmee / The Salvation Army Hamburg


After a sad goodbye and a long flight (at least it felt long), we are finally back in Norway. Didrik is finally awake and is doing a man's job editing all our pictures and videos, Agnethe is on the bus home to Kristiansand (missed work today of course), Richard finally saw his wife again, Christian was up this morning, but is now asleep again, Silje is home an probably eating her mother's homecooked fodd or something, Nina is at work, Bjorn Thomas is visiting his mother, chances are big that he is practicing the piano or something, Peter is now taking a bath in his emails, that has gained up the last weeks.

But what we really wanted to say:

Esther, Christa, Ernst, Inge and Ollie: You are really wonderful people, and we are so glad that we got the oppertunity to get to know you. The way you have taken us in and made us feel at home just reflectes your great hearts and your warmness. A piece of our hearts will always remain with you and St. Pauli. We will pray for you and wish you all the best!

Stefan, Clemens, Heidi, Luise, Merle, Irene, and Christin: We are so proud of you, Your norwegian practicing (keep up the good work, you're gonna need it if you get here or when we come back to you!) It was fantastic to get to know every single one of you! We pray that God will stay with you and take care of you always whereever you go! We hope we can stay in touch!

Auf Wiedersehen! (Norwegian - På gjensyn)


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